As I travel on this journey, I keep learning about new and different methods and techniques of teaching. The past few weeks I have felt like a sponge just absorbing up all of the information being presented to us and the gears in my head start to turn thinking about how I am not only going to be using these methods and techniques in the spring as I student teach but also how I will use them down the road as the educator in my own classroom.
So far we have learned about things that I know I will end up using more than other techniques such as lecturing, in class discussions, both forked road and effect/cause problem solving approach, and all types of sheets but I know that I need to stretch myself and reach to use other techniques to help my student grow as learners. A great way to add variety to the class and to really help develop students' critical thinking skills is through inquiry based instruction (IBI).
This week were are really digging deep into inquiry based instruction and I have to admit that thus, far I am kind of confused about it. I have only one experience using IBI prior to this week was a lesson that a group of the cohort members taught while we were on the Penn State Teach Ag Domestic Study Away to Wisconsin this past summer. It was a time for us to get our feet wet and to really just touch the tip of the huge iceberg when it come to IBI.
We also did problem solving approach a few weeks ago and in my mind I though that inquiry was going to be almost identical to problem solving, the only thing different being that inquiry does not have a set in stone correct answer. I though that inquiry was when you pose a question to students that could end up having a variety of correct answers as long as you have the evidence to support your answer.
That being said, this week's readings have my mind kind of flip upside down. As I went through the readings and the way that they organized the information, I am now having a hard time differentiating IBI from an experiment. I know that they must different however I am hoping that by the end of the week I will be better able to categorize exactly what makes IBI different from both experiments and problem solving approach.
All teachers start to become comfortable with a few techniques that they used over and over. I want to be a teacher who can always pull the tray out of my toolbox and find something new and interesting that will engage my students. It might take me a little to completely understand and be able to successfully utilize IBI but I know at some point, I will be able to reach down into my toolbox of methods and pull out an amazing lesson that is completely IBI centered.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Friday, October 20, 2017
Surprise! It's reflection time!
This week our lab was a little different than what we have been doing. This week was our Surprise Lab! We knew we were going to have lab, we just didn't know what we had to teach until Monday morning. We each were given a set of AFNR standards that we had to formulate a lesson around in it in about 30 hours. Then we taught the lesson in a 10-15 minute chunk of time. This lab was very similar to what we had to do our very first week where we were given a topic on Monday and taught it on Wednesday. I think this time was so much easier than the first time we taught! The very first week, it took me until the second I taught to have my lesson finalized and still felt like I wasn't ready to teach the subject. I also felt like I had to teach everything so fast and felt like students weren't able to learn anything in the first lab but now that we have been working on all of these skills over the past several weeks, this lab was much more simple to put together. This lab was a great way for us as students to realize that sometimes things are going to pop up for us to do that were not planned and we will just have to go with the flow and still get everything prepared. Not everything in life is going to go as planned and as teachers we need to be able to adapt to so many different things like a new student adding the class, a snow day, a class assembly, etc. I think this lab was extremely beneficial to us so that we can do exactly that and start to learn to work on our toes as well as it serving as a great way for us to reflect on how far we have come in such a short amount of time.
Below are some of my gems and opps from this week's lesson:
Below are some of my gems and opps from this week's lesson:
- I think I am becoming really creative with my interest approaches. I could be wrong but I feel like I have some unique and creative ways to introduce my content and get students interested in what they are about to learn.
- I was not stressed or freaked out by the actual surprise. I knew that it was going to challenge us but I also knew that this was going to be similar to what we had already done early on in the semester.
- I was able to create a satisfactory lesson plan in a short amount of time.
- I was really strong in the content area so I was confident in what I was about to teach the students.
- I post the objectives on the board but I never verbal told the class what we would be going over.
- I should not have asked the question about if everyone had a home because some students might not.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
#AEE412 Weekly Investment 8: Individual Teaching Techniques
This week we are finally getting to read about individual teaching techniques! We learned about group teaching a few weeks ago and then our readings took us down a short path about problem solving approaches and assessments but now we have came back around to find out what individual teaching looks like.
After reading, I have realized that individual teaching is just as important as group teaching. This type of technique helps students learn how to evaluate and analyze information presented to them as well as promoting independent working strategies. Individual teaching is also a great way to add variability to your lessons because as we know, group work is fun most of the time but you can only do so much with group work until you just need to go back to individual work. That way students are able to show what they personally know and don't have to rely on others to help them to convey it. There are 5 categories of individual teaching techniques that you as the teacher can implement to an entire class or to a select student(s). These 5 categories are: Supervised Study, Independent Study, Experiments, Notebooks, and Sheets (Informational, Assignment, or Skill). Below I am going to reflect on each type a litter deeper and talk about how I would implement each type in my classroom.
After reading, I have realized that individual teaching is just as important as group teaching. This type of technique helps students learn how to evaluate and analyze information presented to them as well as promoting independent working strategies. Individual teaching is also a great way to add variability to your lessons because as we know, group work is fun most of the time but you can only do so much with group work until you just need to go back to individual work. That way students are able to show what they personally know and don't have to rely on others to help them to convey it. There are 5 categories of individual teaching techniques that you as the teacher can implement to an entire class or to a select student(s). These 5 categories are: Supervised Study, Independent Study, Experiments, Notebooks, and Sheets (Informational, Assignment, or Skill). Below I am going to reflect on each type a litter deeper and talk about how I would implement each type in my classroom.
Supervised Study: This is a way for students to learn the basic steps in how to use reference materials. They are using resources around them to find the information instead of the teacher "spoon feeding" the students all the information needed to complete the assignment. This is a great way to give both the teacher and the students a break from lecturing. I find it much more fun to find information on my own then to have someone tell me what I need to be learning. If I am able to explore the subject and the content on my own, I will be able to spark an interest much faster then if I am going to be lectured on the information. This would be a great way for students to research types of milking facilities, which fertilizers should be applied to corn, or what is the best breed of cattle to milk for the most butterfat content in milk?
Experiment: Experiments are always a great way for students to learn weather in groups or individually. With experiments there
is a high degree of real involvement and hence interest. Students who are actually
involved in their learning learn more and better. I think that there are endless opportunities for experiments in an ag program. You could see how animals react to different supplements in feed, you could apply different amounts of fertilizer to plants in the greenhouse and record the growth rates, you could even do experiments in the leadership classes about how self confidence and a great first impression make a difference.
Independent Study: Independent Study is simply where the research and work is being done by an individual student on their own. Both supervised studies and experiments can be turned into an independent study very easily. It is also easy to look to a student who has completed all other work for the class session or lesson and assign them an independent study. This is time for the student to pull from their own interests and research further into that interest using intrinsic motivators; they want to learn about it because they like it. This truly could be anything since it is student driven.
Notebooks: Notebooks can be a great teaching tool but also a headache. If students use the notebooks effectively and efficiently then they should work great. Students are able to keep them organized, write down important notes from the lesson, or any questions they may have that can be addressed later if need be. A well kept notebook could also be utilized by students later in the class like during a test if the teacher provides a 2 minute window of time to use the notes on the test. When students don't write anything down, don't keep them organized or if the teacher is not presenting information in a way that students are able to easily capture notes then the notebook is pointless. We use notebook now as college students in our AEE 412 class and I find them extremely helpful. It gives me enough space to write out as many notes as I need or I have space to draw pictures/symbols to help me remember. I also like that each page is dated so that I am able to go back and reference what we discussed on a specific date.
Sheets: There are 3 different kinds of sheets that can be used in a classroom; informational, assignment and skills. I think all of these are extremely important and helpful during instruction. Informational sheets are great when you would like for students to read over the sheet provided and then answer a few questions about what they read or this could be a sheet that has a picture of a pig and all the names of the body parts. Anything that is providing information to students that can later be used. Assignment sheets could be used as homework or could be a sheet of questions that need to be answered as students watch a video. Finally skill sheets are huge in activities that are hands on. These would be utilized in a shop setting where students need to be able to complete the skills on the sheet by a certain time period. I can see myself using all three types very much in the future.
In the end you as a teacher can use all of these techniques or just stick to one that you really like. The important thing is that your students are able to gain skills and confidence in working independently and when they are finally able to apply those skills and confidence; you feel on top of the world!
Friday, October 13, 2017
Solving the Problem with Problem Solving Approach
We have been learning all about the Problem Solving Approach in our classes the last few weeks and had the chance to show what we have learned by teaching a 20 minute lesson. We have only been teaching for a max of 10 minutes up to this point so this was already a huge change for us. Before, I was never able to accomplish all that I wanted in 10 minutes so I though that with 20 minutes it would be easy to fit everything in. I was wrong. I still felt like I was running through my lesson just to fit everything in. Part of this is because we were teaching with the Problem Solving Approach so we had to leave enough time for students to be given a question or problem to work through and then also for them to actually work through the problem.
My problem solving approach lesson was focused on a problem that would arise in a Horticulture Class. The question that I posed to students was "Which plants do we grow for the spring plant sale?" This is a question that fits into the Possibilities/Factors type of Problem Solving.
I went into the lesson feeling extremely nervous because I still wasn't sure if my lesson fit into Problem Solving. I was nervous but I went into it thinking "It's okay because I am not suppose to be a master of this yet. If I get it completely wrong, it's still going to be just fine I will just have to try harder the next time." After it was all over I felt like it went okay. I knew it wasn't perfect but I knew that I tried my hardest and it wasn't a complete fail. I think that this lesson was a huge step in the right direction for me and I know that there will only be more to come in the upcoming weeks. I can't wait to see where we will beheaded next in our PSU TeachAg Journeys!
Below are listed some of my gems and opps for this lesson.
My problem solving approach lesson was focused on a problem that would arise in a Horticulture Class. The question that I posed to students was "Which plants do we grow for the spring plant sale?" This is a question that fits into the Possibilities/Factors type of Problem Solving.
I went into the lesson feeling extremely nervous because I still wasn't sure if my lesson fit into Problem Solving. I was nervous but I went into it thinking "It's okay because I am not suppose to be a master of this yet. If I get it completely wrong, it's still going to be just fine I will just have to try harder the next time." After it was all over I felt like it went okay. I knew it wasn't perfect but I knew that I tried my hardest and it wasn't a complete fail. I think that this lesson was a huge step in the right direction for me and I know that there will only be more to come in the upcoming weeks. I can't wait to see where we will beheaded next in our PSU TeachAg Journeys!
Below are listed some of my gems and opps for this lesson.
- Really like the idea of my problem for the students of which plants we should grow for the plant sale.
- Also love that this was a real life problem that can be applied in many ag programs across the nation.
- I think I did a good job of making sure to talk to every student through out the lesson.
- I need to remember to watch and check the time more often while teaching so that I am better able to gauge where myself and the students are in the lesson.
- I also need to remember to read the bell work out loud. This is not something we have to do but I feel that it is better to read to the students as a sign that they need to prepare for the class.
Friday, October 6, 2017
#AEE 412 Weekly Investment 6: Assessments
This week our readings were all about assessment! This could not have come at a more perfect time as I have just received my first unit plan back with feedback in relation to assessments. I only had planned for a summative unit assessment and had no formative assessments planned. Through that feedback and the readings this week, I feel much more confident in making more assessments with less questions. My unit assessment was a very long and complex test which I was worried would be too much for students but wasn't sure how else to check for understanding. I now know that there are many, many ways that I am able to assess student learning. I will definitely be going back and added more formative assessments to my unit such as quizzes, and task sheets at the completion of my lessons.
Assessments need to be directly related to lesson objectives and the information that was presented in the lessons. I now know that I need to be testing my students on what they have actually learned and what they are able to perform. It makes no sense to teach my students at a lower level of Bloom's Taxonomy and expect them to be tested at a high level. Assessments need to be grounded on the level at which the information has been presented because you also don't want to do the opposite and test at a low level while teaching at a high level. All assessments need to be fair to the students in the sense that they should not be tested on information or tasks that you know that they will not be able to complete successfully.
Assessments need to be directly related to lesson objectives and the information that was presented in the lessons. I now know that I need to be testing my students on what they have actually learned and what they are able to perform. It makes no sense to teach my students at a lower level of Bloom's Taxonomy and expect them to be tested at a high level. Assessments need to be grounded on the level at which the information has been presented because you also don't want to do the opposite and test at a low level while teaching at a high level. All assessments need to be fair to the students in the sense that they should not be tested on information or tasks that you know that they will not be able to complete successfully.
No one ever said that all assessments, both summative and formative, have to be in the form of a test. For many classes the best way to assess what the student has learned is through presenting information gained or performing a task. These are great for lessons such as welding, electricity, small gas engines and woodworking in an Ag Mechanics class. This is also great to use for projects in animal and plant science classes by having students do projects on breeds or plants/livestock, types of greenhouses, and integrated pest management. This assessment would be reflected through a rubric. Rubrics are a great way for students to successfully show what they have learned! You present a rubric to students at the beginning of the lesson and tell them that by the end they will need to be able to perform these tasks or present this information. Students know from the start what they need to be working towards and are able to know exactly what you are expecting from them. This helps cut down on situations like this :
Instead, students are able to jump right into work with less confusion and ready to succeed.
Below is a great info graphic that helped me to differentiate between the types of assessments. It really helped me to understand what formative assessments are and how they can be used within the lesson.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
#AEE 412 Week Investment #6: Problem Solving Approach
This week we have been committed to learning about the problem solving approach of teaching. I think thus far, this has been one of the hardest concepts to grasp. It should be easy to understand, as the main idea of the problem solving approach is for students to in fact solve a problem however I realized that it is a bit more complex than that.
We have learned that there are four different strategies of problem solving approach: forked road, possibilities/factors, situation to be improved upon, and effect-cause. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around these strategies and how to differentiate between each. It took me a while but I think I finally found a way to help guide me in the right direction when thinking about what each strategy is focused on. I came up with an essential question that helps me to form the problems that are associated with each. Below is an image of the strategies and the correlating question that I have found to help.
This image defiantly helps me to link what types of questions and problems to each types of strategy but I am still struggling a little with a different aspect of problem solving approach. We have to write a lesson plan this week for this approach and I quickly was able to come up with my problem and was able to identify which strategy it fell under, however my problem now is I'm not sure how to fill the rest of the lesson.
Can a problem solving approach lesson fill 90 minutes? If so what kind of content to you build around it? If you teach content around the problem solving, would it fall under an informative lesson instead of a managerial one? I have learned so much yet I still have so many questions. If anyone has any tips or great examples of how you use the problem solving approach in your classroom, I would LOVE to for you to comment about it below!!
We have learned that there are four different strategies of problem solving approach: forked road, possibilities/factors, situation to be improved upon, and effect-cause. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around these strategies and how to differentiate between each. It took me a while but I think I finally found a way to help guide me in the right direction when thinking about what each strategy is focused on. I came up with an essential question that helps me to form the problems that are associated with each. Below is an image of the strategies and the correlating question that I have found to help.
This image defiantly helps me to link what types of questions and problems to each types of strategy but I am still struggling a little with a different aspect of problem solving approach. We have to write a lesson plan this week for this approach and I quickly was able to come up with my problem and was able to identify which strategy it fell under, however my problem now is I'm not sure how to fill the rest of the lesson.
Can a problem solving approach lesson fill 90 minutes? If so what kind of content to you build around it? If you teach content around the problem solving, would it fall under an informative lesson instead of a managerial one? I have learned so much yet I still have so many questions. If anyone has any tips or great examples of how you use the problem solving approach in your classroom, I would LOVE to for you to comment about it below!!
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