Sunday, August 27, 2017

Don't be a microwave dinner

After reading several difference articles about the difference between effective and efficient teachers.  What I have taken away is that an efficient teacher does the right things while an effective teacher does things right!  Some may take a minute and say aren't those essentially the same thing, but when we start to think deeper, there is a huge difference!  When I sit back and think about the difference is as simple as the difference between a great teacher and a mediocre teacher.  An efficient teacher does do all the right things.  These are the teachers that dump information on students, makes the powerpoints, force students to take notes; all the "right" things to do for students to learn.  They teach everything by the book and don't change it up for fear of something going wrong.  However, these are the teachers that students hate going to their class.  They are long, tedious boring and bland classes that can be replicated by anyone; just like a microwave dinner.
These lessons have nothing interesting or special about them.  They are just standard and flavorless.  I never want to be a microwave dinner teacher!  I want to continuously keep introducing new flavors to my teaching. Even if I try something and it doesn't work as planned, it will still be an experience that impact my students and they will remember it.  I never want my classes to be predictable and easy to be replicated.  From the articles plus from an addition article, 6 Traits of Life-Changing Teachers, I have started to think past the obvious things and how to introduce things like humor, positive reinforcement and structuring comments into my lessons and teaching style.  I just always need to remember that I never want to teach like a microwave dinner; be flavorful and memorable!!

Link to article referenced:


  1. Macy,

    Fun Idea!

    Make sure to use APA Citations not only for the new thing you bring to the table (ie Edutopia), but also the assigned readings.

    Keep on keeping on!

  2. What a thought provoking idea Macy! I don't want to be a microwave dinner teacher either! I love the part where you also talk about trying new things even if it doesn't work... YES do this! I think it's so important that students see people in their lives trying new things, ESPECIALLY if they fail, because let's face it... we all fail sometimes, it's what we LEARN from these that make a difference. In fact, 2 of my classroom expectations are "We are willing to try new things" AND "We learn from mistakes!"

  3. I like the comparison to a microwave dinner. I wondered what you were getting at when I first read the title. This was a nice short, digestible post. You mention that you are thinking past the obvious things and are beginning to think about how you'll use some humor, positive reinforcement, etc. I look forward to reading/ hearing more about what you tried and how it worked out.


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