Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone! My name is Macy Fisher and am finally a senior at Penn State University majoring in Agriculture and Extension Education.  Through out the next year, I will be using this blog as a space to reflect and discuss the adventures and lessons I will experience through out my pre-service teaching.

I will take on this unique and intensive learning experience of student teaching at Selinsgrove High School under the guidance of Ag teachers Valerie Fry and Curt Swineford.  I cannot wait to begin this journey and am excited to see what the next year holds for me as I learn teaching methods and styles in the fall to prepare for student teaching in January 2018!  I will frequently update, reflect upon, and unpack my thoughts regularly here.  I can't wait until I can tell you more about what's to come but for now I will tell you more about myself. 

I have grown up on my family's owned and operated dairy farm in Mifflin County.  We have a 50 cow milking herd that consists of my grandfather's original herd of Holsteins, my sister's herd of Ayrshires, and my herd of Jerseys.  From the time I could walk, I was always out in the barn with the
cows and constantly learning about anything and everything.  My family is deeply rooted in agriculture but never pressured me to make it my passion, thankfully though I knew that I never wanted to stray away from the agricultural community.  Which lead me to being a very active member of 4-H and the Captain Jack FFA chapter in high.  I was also a part of the track and field team, was in band for a short time, and was highly dedicated to the Captain Jack FFA Square Dance Team.  If you didn't find me in th
e Ag room through out the school day, you could just walk down the hall to the Special Education department and would find me.  Starting in Jr. High, I was a classroom helper every year in the special needs rooms and loved being apart of these students everyday successes.  My life's passion is teaching agriculture but a very close second would be teaching special education. 

You might be wondering what drew me to wanting to become an Ag teacher.  Others may say that it took them a while to realize that they wanted to teach or they started elsewhere and it just came to them; for me it was all I ever wanted to do.  From my first few days in the Ag room at my high school, I knew that I wanted to be just like my Ag teacher!  Erica Mowrer will always be my role model and be the reason that I found my path in life.  She made the Ag room the popular place to be and not just because they did fun things in class.  She made everyone feel like their own rock star and that they can be successful in whatever they do.  It may only be a small victory like getting all of your seeds to actually sprout or it could be coaching a member to run for State FFA Office.  She was able to take me from a shy and quite student to some one who couldn't stop talking and loved talking in front of crowds.  I knew I wanted to teach but I didn't realize that it was my passion until I served a year as the Mifflin County Dairy Princess.  I was able to experience both formal and informal teaching with diverse learning groups and I loved every minute of it.  From that moment, I knew that as soon as I graduated; I was headed to get my Ag Ed degree! 

My path has had a few bumps and turns along the way.  I had to take a few years off before actually starting my journey unfortunately.  The captain of our family's team and the head of our farm, my grandfather, unexpectedly passed away and it took a while for my family to transition not only mentally but physically.  I have always said that my family comes first, so I knew that I could not put my education before helping my family. I hold no regrets in waiting to start this adventure and am very happy to finally be a this point in my life where I can look towards the end of the tunnel and start to see a glimmer of light. 

I can only imagine of what lies before me.  I know that it will not be easy but I know that every moment of it will be worth it; hence my blog title Macy's Moments.  I know that every moment was go though in life, no matter how easy or hard to overcome, is a moment for us to learn and grow.  I hope that you will continue to follow my AgEd journey one moment at a time! 

Thank for reading!
- Macy


  1. Thanks for Blogging Macy! Don't forget to harness your social media platforms to develop/curate an audience.

  2. I look forward to getting to know you better in the next year while serving as a virtual mentor. Maybe seeing you blog will make me "up my blogging game" as I have been sporadic at best.

  3. Macy, thanks for sharing more about yourself. I really enjoyed reading about your passions. Your love for helping others is evident and enjoying both formal and informal education will really help you as you progress through this TeachAg Journey! Keep up the good work!


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